<aside> 💥 First, there was a bang, followed by a long, uneasy slumber. Then a howling wind woke them—confusion was written on their adorable faces. The loss of identity weighed heavily upon their eye, like cats in mourning. But some of them lost more than memory.


<aside> 🪐 Some of them lost an eye; most lost their single protruding fang. None of them lost hope. They refused defeat and sure death though they only had their own fur for comfort against the biting cold. Even though this planet they now call Nodin is barren for miles on end.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fae23150-9331-4b7c-a29d-378a76ab0676/KakaoTalk_Photo_2022-08-09-15-54-25_001.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fae23150-9331-4b7c-a29d-378a76ab0676/KakaoTalk_Photo_2022-08-09-15-54-25_001.png" width="40px" /> A headcount was made before a grand caravan was formed to find food and shelter. They are 10,000 lost and hungry Nomari. For days they walked the vast emptiness of Nodin, and some Nomari sang songs in their high-pitch voices for the others to forget their hunger.


<aside> 🏔️ The journey was long, arduous, and perilous, yet they all strive on. For each of them knows they have each other. And so, they trudged on across mountains and deserts of nothing with starvation and exhaustion gnawing all over. And then, just when all hope seems lost…


<aside> ✨ From a distance, they saw the light, a light that guided them across a dark and desolate night. They followed it and, as they got closer, saw its origin: a colossal tree veiled in luminescent fog. Yet it’s no mere tree, for its bark is not made of wood but clanking metal.


<aside> 🏝️ At the base of this colossal tree, they found clothes and gears and vegetation as if it were waiting for them. Even their intuition says they know how to operate every single machine that lay before them, even those for terraforming. All of Nomari thanked the Noul Tree.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/22483811-2669-4f56-8ae8-d7458a27cf48/Noulnuts.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/22483811-2669-4f56-8ae8-d7458a27cf48/Noulnuts.png" width="40px" /> Among the many gifts of the Noul Tree, one that fell from its branches was a small, vibrating berrylike object that the Nomari called the Noul Nuts. Soon as one of the Nomari held a Noul Nut, they immediately recognized the great power coursing and encased within it.


<aside> 🌊 The Nomari called this immense power: Ri. The first time a Nomari cracked open a Noul Nut, Ri flew and hovered above them like a magical serpent dancing in the air, its colors ever-changing. Out of nowhere, grass grew and a puddle of water formed from where the Ri landed.


<aside> 🧬 The Ri did more than bring life to the emptiness of Nodin, it brought back some of their memory, and all the Nomari remembered what they each used to be. There were healer Nomaris, and they began to tend to the wounded. The Noul Tree provided all that they needed.


<aside> 🏕️ Powered by Ri, the Noul Tree produced every material the Nomari required. Because of this, the Nomari progress was lightning quick. First, they built tiny houses for shelter and made a small farm for food; next, they have a research and design facility.
